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Aims of The Phoenix Centre

Aims and Values of the Phoenix Centre

The Phoenix Centre supports young people at Tier 3 and 4 of the DSPL4 Behaviour Service. We offer intensified outreach and short-term provision for primary school aged children who are at risk of permanent exclusion. Children who attend The Phoenix Centre will receive bespoke therapeutic packages of support and nurture, led by our skilled practitioners. These are designed to help children develop skills they would need to be successful in their mainstream school and future education. We are also able to provide short-term educational support for children who have been permanently excluded. Staff at the Phoenix Centre aim to deliver educational excellence to support children with improving their behaviour, emotional regulation and re discover a love of learning.

The three values that we embed at the Phoenix Centre are ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’ and these link with the over-arching values at Rivers.


How do we achieve and embed our values? 

What does this look like?


Induction Process

Higher level training opportunities e.g. tutor training

Structured CPD on INSET days

Staff can request CPD opportunities

CPD developed through weekly team meetings



Clear and consistent following of our Behaviour Policy by all staff

Scripts and assertive language

Consistent use of protective and educational consequences

Trauma Informed practice embedded within Centre.

Understanding of the Window of Tolerance

Explicit and direct teaching of behaviour – what does this value look like to our children?

Pom poms used to work towards common goal when children show our valued behaviour  

Restorative conversations

PSHE Curriculum

Individual therapeutic interventions


Motivating and inspiring learning opportunities

Outdoor Learning

Engaging environment

Developing cultural capital – Trips/Visitors

High expectations of outcomes



Challenging conversations

Baselining – entry and exit data to inform planning for all our children

Dedicated time by our Phoenix SENCo

De brief proforma – analysing behaviour after a serious escalation as a team

Evidenced based research and practice to support the most up to date CPD

Anxiety Mapping

Sensory Profiling